Those who have completed vaccinations will be granted an 'exemption from self-quarantine' upon arrival beginning on the 21st.

2022.03.31 17:00:00

백신접종 완료자 21일부터 입국 시 '자가격리 면제'



Those who have completed vaccination against COVID-19 will be exempt from self-quarantine while entering the country from abroad beginning on the 21st.

On the 20th, the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasures Headquarters stated that, beginning on the 21st, overseas travelers who have completed vaccinations in Korea and abroad and recorded their vaccination history will no longer be required to self-quarantine.

People with completed immunization who are exempt from self-quarantine are those who have taken the second vaccine (one time for Janssen) and have passed 14 days but are still within 180 days or those that have received the third vaccination. Even if a person has a history of being diagnosed with COVID-19 after the second vaccination owing to a breakthrough infection, the individual will be considered as  completed vaccination.

Beginning April 1st, it will be extended to people who have been vaccinated overseas but have not recorded their immunization history. All entrants, however, must have a PCR test on the first day of entry and a rapid antigen test on the sixth to seventh days of entry.

If you have been vaccinated in Korea or have already recorded your vaccination history after being vaccinated overseas, the information is immediately linked through the COOV system, which is integrated to the pre-entry system. Even for individuals who are subject to automated linking of vaccination history, it is necessary to input quarantine information via the pre-entry system.

All entrants will be able to use the public transportation, and the quarantine transportation network (own automobile, quarantine taxi, and designated cabins of KTX) that has previously been in place will be discontinued.

The self-quarantine exemption does not apply to children under the age of twelve who have not been vaccinated, as well as individuals who have not been vaccinated. In addition, the four nations, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, and Myanmar, are excluded from quarantine exemption, and everyone entering from these four countries, whether vaccinated or not, must undergo self-quarantine.





한국다문화뉴스=강성혁 기자ㅣ21일부터  코로나19 백신 접종 완료자는 해외에서 입국할 때 자가격리 의무를 면제받는다.

중앙재난안전대책본부는 오는 21일부터 국내와 해외에서 백신 접종을 완료하고 접종 이력을 등록한 해외 입국자들의 자가격리 의무를 없앤다고 20일 밝혔다. 

자가격리 의무를 면제받는 백신 접종완료자는 백신 2차 접종 후(얀센은 1회) 14일이 지나고 180일 이내이거나 3차 접종자인 경우다. 2차 접종 후 돌파 감염으로 코로나19에 확진된 이력이 있더라도 접종 완료자로 인정된다.

4월 1일부터는 해외에서 접종했으나 접종이력을 등록하지 않은 사람까지 확대 적용된다. 다만 모든 입국자는 입국 1일차 PCR과 입국 6∼7일차 신속항원검사를 받아야한다.

국내 접종자이거나 해외에서 접종 후 접종력을 국내에 이미 등록한 경우에는 사전입력시스템과 연계된 COOV시스템을 통해 해당 정보가 자동으로 연계된다. 단 접종 이력 자동연계대상자도 사전입력시스템을 통한 검역 정보 입력은 필요하다.

모든 입국자는 대중교통을 이용할 수 있으며 그동안 운영했던 방역교통망(자차, 방역 택시, KTX 전용칸)은 운영을 중단한다.

강성혁 기자
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