Is it possible to get a refund for a flooded used car that I bought without knowing?

  • 등록 2022.09.07 14:41:09

모르고 구매한 침수 중고차, 환불 가능할까?


Recently, heavy rain caused a large number of flooded vehicles. Flooded vehicles usually mean that the entire vehicle is submerged, but if the car's interior floor is filled with water, it is classified as an flooded vehicle. Even if a submerged car is repaired, there is a high probability of failure and problems with many functions.


If the vehicle is in a "total loss" condition that has been lost overall due to flooding, the vehicle must be scrapped. If you violate this, you may be fined up to 3 million won in accordance with the Automobile Management Act.


Even if the vehicle is partially flooded, insurance companies recommend handling it as a total loss. However, due to the recent delay in vehicle shipments in the automobile industry and the high cost of vehicles, there are cases where flooded vehicles are repaired and sold secondhand.


As a way to distinguish submerged cars, there is a way to check vehicle maintenance entered by car maintenance companies through "Car 365" operated by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and "Car History" provided by the Korea Insurance Development Institute. You can check information such as maintenance matters, flooding, and insurance accidents.


However, this method is also confirmed only when the car repair company and the insurance company enter the information, so if the vehicle does not enter the information, it may not be registered as an submerged car, so it is better to see and check the submerged car.


There are several ways to distinguish submerged cars when you check them with your own eyes. First, if the seat belt is pulled all the way to the end and the inside part is muddy or stained by water, there is a high possibility of a flooded car. It can also be distinguished by pushing back the car seat to check if the parts that secure the seat are rusty or by checking the parts that do not normally contain water, such as wiring inside the engine room.


Can you get a refund if the car you bought was a submerged car even though you checked and purchased it? If you buy a submerged vehicle without knowing it, you can get a full refund. According to the Automobile Management Act, if the flooding is different from the notification, the contract can be terminated within 30 days.


In addition, the Consumer Dispute Resolution Standards announced by the Fair Trade Commission stipulate that when the flood is not notified, a repayment of purchase price or a compensation for the loss should be made if it is within one year of compensation period.




(한국어 번역)

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이렇게 침수 차를 확인하고 구매했음에도 구매한 차량이 침수차였다면 환불이 가능할까요? 모르고 침수차량을 구매 했을 경우에는 전액 환불이 가능합니다. 자동차 관리법에 따르면 침수 사실이 고지 내용과 다르면 30일 이내에 매매 계약을 해지할 수 있다고 합니다.


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강성혁 기자
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