In the hot summer, we sweat a lot and do laundry frequently. When we I do the laundry, it sometimes smells because of the wrong way of doing the laundry. This is because of bacteria in the fabric of clothes. This bacteria, called Moraxella, is a relatively common bacteria that can live on human skin and can be found in living spaces, which causes laundry to smell.
There is a way to get rid of the bad smell and mold on the clothes from the laundry.
Pour water enough to cover the laundry in a plastic bag and add one spoon of among soda, oxycline, and oxygen-based bleach.
After rubbing it well, microwave it for 5 minutes. After that, soak it for 30 minutes to an hour and rinse it with water to remove the smell.
(한국어 번역)
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