"A Healing Concert for Anyone"...Soliall Philharmonic Orchestra Performs on the 25th.

  • 등록 2021.08.03 21:15:00



On August 25, at 19:00 at Lotte Concert Hall, the Sound Orchestra stage will be held to purify the depressed and stagnant society and cultural circles of children who are future hopes amid the pandemic caused by coronavirus.

The stage, joined by standing conductor Kim Ki-woong, children's choir Neulhaerang Little Singers (Tutor: Jang Sung-kyung), children's art troupe Sunshine Tree (Tutor: Son Min-jung), bright children (Tutor: Bang Hee-jung), blue star choir (Tutor: Yajeong-yoon), and blue sori (Tutor: Seok Kwang-hee), is clear and clear-hee).

Under the theme of Sound of Kids, the stage will feature various children in world-famous opera Carmen, Turandot, and Opera, and will be decorated with beautiful music. In addition, the musical "Sound of Music," "Memory" from the musical Cats, and "Once a upon a dream" from Les Miserables are also presented with children's elegant sounds and orchestral grandeur.

"There are many instruments and sounds, but children's sounds have a special touch and healing" said Jang Sung-kyung, director and music commentator of the nation's most active children's choir.



정영한 기자 vase401@naver.com
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